Nathanael Noir
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11 results

Ocean artUp

A site I created for my dad to promote his newest research project: an ERC Advanced Grant-funded study that


Welcome to my Blog! I am a theoretical physicist loving Holographic Entanglement, Calabi-Yau’s, Superstring Theory, CFT, Quantum Gravity


Web app with React + Redux frontend and Koa + Mongoose backend that wasn't (yet, hopefully) launched but could provide a

Page not found

Oops, this page doesn't exist 😳 Back to landing page 🏡

Gatsby Source for Google Scholar

A Gatsby source plugin that pulls metadata for scientific publications from Google Scholar . Available on NPM . Install via


Homepage for German non-profit Afara which supports education of children in Africa. Built using Gatsby, styled-components and Contentful

N, P, M, W

I am a theoretical physicist loving Holographic Entanglement, Calabi-Yau’s, Superstring Theory, CFT, Quantum Gravity, Singularities, Quantum Epistemology, Poststructuralism

Gatsby Paginate

Originally developed by Rob Gilbert , I do my best to maintain gatsby-paginate . Available on NPM . Install via

Studenten bilden Schüler

A German student-run nonprofit initiative that I co-run. SbS has about 1000 active members providing free tuition to


I started learning web development in February 2018 when I moved to Barcelona for three months to participate in a


You can reach me by email or on any of these platforms.

Blog Posts

5 results

General Relativity as a Field Theory

 Jul 28, 2020 Science, Physics, Gravity
In this post, I'll try to explain an alternative route to the famous Einstein Field Equations (EFE) through the

Gravitational Waves - An Invitation

 Sep 5, 2020 Science, Gravitational-Waves, Gravity
Gravitational Waves. An Invitation Albert Einstein originally predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916, on the basis of his

Chasing Quantum Advantage at Light Speed

 Nov 15, 2020 QuantumInformation, QuantumComputation, QuantumOptics
The beauty and importance of light in everyday life are clear to everyone, literally under our eyes. Not surprisingly, then

The Last Frontier

 Aug 30, 2020 Cosmology, Physics, QuantumGravity
Introduction In 1967 Bryce DeWitt published his famous trilogy on quantum gravity. " Quantum Theory of Gravity. I. The Canonical Theory

Hello World!

 Jul 24, 2020 Web Dev, JS, Design
Hi, How Are You? Welcome to my new blog! Gone is my former WordPress site. This is the first post
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I am a theoretical physicist loving Holographic Entanglement, Calabi-Yau’s, Superstring Theory, CFT, Quantum Gravity, Singularities, Quantum Epistemology, Poststructuralism and Education. In my free time, I enjoy creating art.

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